News Published on August 29, 2017
Gate 9 has Relocated
State and local leaders joined members of Team Redstone on August 16th in celebration of the opening of the new, relocated Gate 9 for a ribbon cutting ceremony.
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, Redstone Arsenal Senior Commander Lt. Gen. Edward Daly, Bob Ludwig, chairman of the Federal Building Authority, Sen. Arthur Orr, and Steve Budorick, CEO of Corporate Office Properties Trust, attended and reaffirmed the partnerships that brought the new gate to fruition.
The $12.9 million project relocated the installation’s busiest access control point three-quarters of a mile south on Rideout Road, in an effort to alleviate congestion on the roadways that feed into Redstone Arsenal, and to improve safety. The project was funded by the Federal Building Authority and several community partners, to include the state of Alabama.